His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 379 - Hospital

Before he could arrive at the place, he was told she had already been taken to the hospital.

His hands gripped around the steering as he quickly made a U turn to the hospital, driving in the highest speed possible.

Nicklaus jumped out of his car, as he ran mindlessly towards the hospital. His brain refusing to think.

He didn\'t want to believe it was true. Even though he had not seen the person yet, the pain in his heart was already too much to bear. He felt like fainting.

If anything happened to her…. He wasn\'t sure he could take it.

He ran like a mad man into the hospital, approaching the receptionist,

"please, a woman was brought in here, where is she?"

His hair stuck to his face as sweat dripped down his forehead.

Nicklaus was a popular figure and the receptionist recognized him immediately. Quickly she checked in her computer and looked at him,

"she\'s in the emergency room, you have to wait…"

"where? Where?!"

Nicklaus blared and the woman knew better than to keep him waiting, quickly she told him where the emergency room was,

Nicklaus ran quickly, not wanting to listen to his thoughts. Not wanting to breath, afraid of the thoughts that would sink in.

When he approached the doors boldly written Emergency, his steps faltered.

Heavy pants left his lips as he stared at the door.

It was locked unless he would have walked right in. Pacing around he waited for someone to walk out.

The words from the television hanging on the wall made him turn to it,

"… A lorry was involved in a hit and run accident with a car, close to the Wesley Cemetery (fictional), the victims in a critical condition.

The car was recognized to belong to Tiana Howells, and it seems she was most likely to have been in the accident as one of the patients was a woman.

No other details has been released on the accident…

Heavy pants left Nicklaus\' lips as he watched the screen. It was divided into two and on the next screen was the accident scene.

He recognized that car very much. It was her favorite.

Even though he didn\'t want to believe it, right there he knew the person lying inside the emergency was his wife.

His eyes blurred as he dropped to his knees. Tears fell freely from his eyes.

A thousand questions of \'what if\'s\' tormented him.

Maybe if she had waited for him, nothing would have happened to her.

Maybe if he had insisted on going with her, she wouldn\'t be hurt now.

Nicklaus knew he wouldn\'t forgive himself if something happened to her.

He was still on the ground in anguish when the doors opened and he turned to it,

A man in a white coat, with a facial mask and gloves on his hands walked out,

Nicklaus stood up and walked to him,

"how… how is she?"

The doctor looked at him with concern and he sighed,

"we are doing out best."

Not wanting to say more than he could explain, he quickly walked away.

Nicklaus panted as he brushed his hair with his palm, sadness enveloping him.

What was he going to do if something happened to her?

His heart bled as he prayed earnestly to every God he could think of.

Suddenly he heard loud beeping of a machine in the emergency room and his eyes turned to it in fright,

The doctor who had walked out had left the door open, so without thinking Nicklaus barged in.

Three doctors stood beside the woman lying on the bed. One look at her and he knew she was his wife.

Nicklaus ran to the bed, when they saw him, they tried to make him leave but the look in his eyes didn\'t seem like he was thinking straight.

Everything within him was focused on the woman on the bed.

Ignoring him, they quickly focused on reviving the woman who was almost losing a heart beat.

"Charge… again!"

One of the doctors screamed and the other used the defibrillator on her chest.

Her eyes remained closed as they tried to bring her back, the look in the doctors faces looked tensed and she didn\'t look like she had any life in her.

Nicklaus stared at his wife, blood stains all over her, her eyes shut.

He couldn\'t believe she was the same person who had kissed him good morning a few hours ago, nor the same person who had hugged him before he left for work.

How was she now lying on a hospital bed?

His eyes welled up in tears as he watched them use the machine on her chest over and over again,

Suddenly, the ekg monitor by the side made long beep sound signaling that there was no movement in the heart.

The doctors stopped at that point, and their heads fell.

Nicklaus frowned as his eyes moved from the machine to the woman on the bed.

"what… what is wrong?"

His voice sounded deathly pale as he stared at her.

None of the doctors could bring themselves to break the news to him that she was gone…

"I said what is wrong?!"

Nicklaus screamed making them shudder involuntarily.

Then one finally spoke,

"we\'re sorry for your loss, Mr. Nicklaus..."

"Loss? What loss?"

The look on his face was enough to make them go back to her body and do everything to raise her back up.

Nicklaus was quiet for a second, then in an instant, he walked towards her and shook her,

"beautiful, wake up…"

He shook her lightly then vigorously.

A pant escaping from his lips,

"don\'t… don\'t do this…"

He cried, pushing her hair away from her face.

Her eyes were shut and blood was still flowing from her head, her face was still sticky with her blood and her body was limp.

Nicklaus felt like dying. This was not happening.

Beautiful… TIANA!! WAKE UP! JESUS…

No, no, no, this was not happening…

Looking to the side he picked up the defibrillator and before the doctors could stop him, he climbed on top of the bed and straddled her.

Placing the defibrillator on her chest, he charged it.

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