Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 25: Unexpected Revelation

Chapter 25: Unexpected Revelation

As the trio of stunningly beautiful girls walked down the campus, boys glanced their way, making a path for them as if they were royalty.

Of the trio, Aurora, stood out with her red eyes and black hair, while the other two, Emily and Sophia, were equally beautiful.

However, if one were to choose, Emily would be considered the most beautiful.

While originaly Emily wasn\'t friends with Aurora ; being the top students of 1st year, it was only a matter of time before they met each other.

They made small talk as they made their way to the class.

[Class A1-1st year]

Sophia giggled, the sound of her laughter filling the room, "Oh no, what have I gotten myself into? If math is the key to \'magic\' then I\'m doomed."

Emily placed a gentle hand on Sophia\'s shoulder.

"Don\'t worry, Sophie. As long as you leave the complicated spells to the experts , you\'ll be just fine."

Aurora leaned back in her chair, a sly grin spreading across her face.

"Ah, the joys of nicknames. Emie and Sophie, it\'s clear- you two are as close as sisters"

Emily smiled warmly , "Yes, we practically grew up together."

Sophia rolled her eyes playfully, "And \'Emie\' here is always getting into trouble, dragging me along with her every time."

Aurora raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "That\'s a cute nickname. Mind if I use it too?"

Emily shrugged nonchalantly. "Not at all. Just don\'t say anything too embarrassing in public."


As the Mathematics class began, the students were reminded of the significance of Mathematics in the world, especially in the realm of magic.

Mathematics played a crucial role in the formulation and design of new magic formulas and circles.

The closely intertwined relationship between Mathematics and magic meant that those who excelled in Mathematics could create innovative spells.

Professor Blaise walked into the class, ready to teach with high expectations.

This year\'s class had the potential to produce a prodigy who could become a Grand Warden.

Takahasi Aoi was among the exceptional students, with his family background being owner of a platinum graded guild. And he had the added advantage of his father\'s considerable influence as a duke.

Emily Reed, daughter of one of the most prominent heroes in central union and a ranked S+ individual, possessing immense power within the human domain.

Aurora Lewis belonged to a prestigious magus lineage, her family enjoyed privileges akin to royalty.

The head of the house was a priest who possessed the rare ability to heal others and cleanse them of dark energy using pure light magic.

Thus this year was well-known as the \'Golden-generation\'.

Professor Blaise looked around the room.

"Hmm..let\'s see," Professor Blaise muttered as he scrutinized the class with a sense of pride.

But his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes landed on a boy with pale skin and dark hair— the dark spot of the class.

"Tsk, that boy again," he said with a hint of frustration.

Disdain dripped from the Professor\'s lips as he recognized the boy, who curiously appeared to be sleeping in the middle of the class.

In Professor Blaise\'s eyes, Noah was nothing more than a worthless and incompetent student who had no right to attend the esteemed Arcanum Blades Academy.

Unwilling to squander precious time on a mere speck such as Noah, the Professor had hitherto chosen to ignore his lackluster behavior.

However, upon hearing from Instructor Yilin that Noah was nothing but a trouble-maker, often seen jumping around with a machete in hand, the Professor could no longer tolerate his behavior.

It was then that Professor Blaise decided to publicly humiliate Noah.

"Perhaps if I teach him a lesson, Professor Riya will start seeing me in a better light", thought Professor Blaise as he nodded his head in approval.

Professor Blaise cleared his throat and began to lecture the class on the topic of "Mathematical Functions."

Professor Blaise cleared his throat and asked the class, "Can anyone tell me how many types of force exist in the world?"

Several students raised their hands eagerly.

Blaise scanned the room and randomly picked a student. "You, tell me," he said.

"There are four types of force in our world: Mana, demonic energy, Aura, and ether," replied the bald-headed boy.

Blaise gestured for him to lower his hand and continued, "Does anyone know why \'mana\' is considered superior to the others?"

No one raised their hand except Aurora.

Blaise nodded towards her, and she stood up to answer.

"While it\'s not clear which is more potent, mana surpasses all other forms of energy in terms of versatility. The abundance of mana in the atmosphere gives mana users a significant advantage over aura users, as aura can only be cultivated within one\'s body."

This one-sided view was the reason why orcs disliked humans, considering that orcs used aura instead of mana.

Blaise agreed with Aurora\'s explanation and said, "Very well put."

~30 minutes later

Blaise made his way towards Noah and jerked him awake.

Noah groggily rubbed his eyes as the entire class erupted in laughter.

"Sleeping again, I see," Blaise sneered, "Perhaps this lesson will teach you a thing or two about the importance of being attentive in class."

Following a brief pause, Professor Blaise added with a sly grin, "And if you fail to give the correct answer, then expect a deduction of 100 credit points."

Noah\'s eyes widened in shock as he heard the severe punishment for what he considered to be a minor offence.

\'Is he serious? Docking 100 credits just for dozing off? That\'s ridiculous!\' Noah thought to himself, feeling nervous and tense.

"Tell me, boy, what is a function?"

Noah looked up, his eyes still bleary with sleep.

He paused for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts.

"The essence of a function," Noah began, "is its ability to establish a connection between the input and the output values of an equation, just like a conductor orchestrates the harmonious interplay of multiple instruments to create a symphony. It is the adhesive that binds disparate elements together in a meaningful and orderly manner."

"Consider the case of magic - by modifying variables like \'t\', we can modulate the intensity of a fireball spell, whereas adjusting the value of \'a\' can lead to a different magic effect altogether."

The impact of Noah\'s words was palpable as the entire class fell silent, awestruck by the profound insights into the complex theory of \'functions in magic\'.

Even Aurora, who was widely regarded as a prodigious student in magic theory, struggled to fully grasp the concept that Noah had elucidated, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

A slight frown could be seen forming between her brows.

Professor Blaise only nodded with a frown and uttered "Precisely".

He slowly made his way to the teacher\'s desk as he dismissed the class with a simple "Class dismissed."


"Did you feel the stares we were getting?" Aurora exclaimed with excitement. "It was insane how everyone seemed to part ways like royalty!"

David chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I did notice that. I guess our reputation precedes us."

Aoi rolled his eyes, "Come on guys. The only reason we got the royal treatment was because of me. You should be thanking me"

Upon hearing Takahasi\'s reply, Emily shook her head.

Trying to steer the conversation in a different direction, Aurora said, "Right guys, do you remember the guy with machete?"

Sophia leaned in with amusement when she heard the mention of the machete guy. "Oh, him? Yeah, I\'ve seen him in training sessions. He definitely has a unique, and very amusing, style."

Emily snickered. "Amusing is one way to put it. Have you seen him trying to use that machete? It\'s like watching a baby learning to walk."

David chuckled, "Haha! And don\'t forget about his attempts to activate the mana crystal. That was a disaster."

Aurora shook her head with a smirk. "I don\'t know why he bothers. He\'s clearly not cut out for this kind of thing. But, you know what they say, \'fake it till you make it\'."

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "Do they really say that? Because he\'s never going to make it if he keeps pretending to know what he\'s doing."

Emily thought back to the brief encounter she had with him on the first day of school.

He was staring at her chest like he\'d never seen a woman before. It was uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Emily couldn\'t help but remember \'the machete guy\', even if she didn\'t want to.

He always seemed to be doing something strange in class, like the time of mana affinity test, which can be considered an anamoly in itself.

Instructors and teachers would often lose their patience with him and shout at him for his stupidity.

And during training sessions, he would wave that machete around like he was auditioning for a bad action movie.

David tilted his head, trying to recall the machete guy\'s name, "What was his name?"

Aurora shrugged, not knowing the answer. "Beats me, I\'ve never bothered to ask."

"You know, despite his weirdness, he maybe pretty smart. I was impressed with his explanation in class today."

The rest of the group looked at David in disbelief, but he didn\'t let that faze him.

"Just because he\'s a bit eccentric doesn\'t mean he\'s not intelligent," David continued. "Maybe we should give him a chance instead of just dismissing him."

Aoi groaned, rolling his eyes. "Forget about that loser and let\'s head to the cafeteria. I\'m starving."

Aurora sprinted ahead, eager to secure her favorite seat in the front of the line.

Emily couldn\'t help but shake her head at her friends\' antics, but she followed along nonetheless.


Noah\'s POV:

"Pfaa! That was an unexpected situation" I couldn\'t help but remember Professor Blaise\'s class.

Thankfully, I was really familiar with the math concept he was me on. It was easy for me, really, after having studied it so much in my previous world.

And the magic application example I gave was something that came up often in the novel, so it wasn\'t hard to recall.

Right now, I was in the A-21 training ground all alone.

The room was empty because there were no classes for training today.

I came here to practice with my machete.

I know it\'s weird, but I love doing physical exercises.

When I first started, I thought I would hate it, but maybe it\'s because I was basically a cripple in my previous life.

My body craves movement, and I want to experience its fullest potential.


"You were telling me that you have access to my system window, Nano?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

[Affirmative, Master Noah], Nano replied in its robotic tone.

"That\'s quite intriguing," I remarked, pondering the implications.

"Ordinarily, one cannot view another\'s system window. Could it be because you are a part of me?"

After a brief moment of contemplation, I posed another question. "May you utilize a skill from the system, Nano?"

[If you grant me permission, Master Noah, I am capable of doing so], Nano responded, its mechanical voice devoid of emotion.

"Tommorow is going to be sparring session."

From the contents of the Novel I was sure of who are going to fight so I am not worried getting picked for a fight but still..

"Just to of be extra safe..."




│ S t a t u s W i n d o w ?


Name: Noah Grey

Age: 16 (+23?)(=39?)

Class: None

Rank: G+



│ Health: G+ │ 180/ 180(+10?)

│ Mana: G- │ 100/ 100

│ Strength: F- │ 200/ 200(+5?)

│ Dexterity: F+ │ ( )

│ Intelligence: ??? │ ( )

│ Mana Capacity: │ 0




│Armor: G- │ 1

│Resistance: F │ 12

│Stamina: F │ ( )

│Charm: E │ ( )

│Durability: G+ │ 8

│Flexibility: B │ ( )



-Momentum Transfer [Allows user to...]

-Perception[Allows user to...]





Propensity: None


[Mystery of Teleportation]


[Legendary Achievment! Acquired the mystery of Teleportation!]


It was clear to me that my secondary stats were far too high for someone ranked as a G+ human.

I attributed this development in my physique to Nano pushing my body to epitome of human physique.

Despite my increased strength and resistance, I still lacked the essential mana capacity.

Mana capacity: 0. In a world runned by magic this is the last thing you would want to see in your status window.

"At least my physical stats are above average," I muttered to myself with a hint of frustration.

"I will have to learn aura, since I can\'t implant a mana core in me."



My mind raced as I started formulation plans.

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