God and Devil World

Chapter 960: Obliteration!

On the various displays, the last images were the sight of those winged Evolved zombies pouncing onto them, before the feed got cut off.

The hearts of the various commanders sank. They were very clear that their unmanned drones were already destroyed.

Randy swiftly made the decision and passed the order, "Notify the entire army, retreat immediately. 1st Regiment cover our flanks."

There were over 20,000 armored troops under Randy, and their equipment was decent. They had ample ammunition as well, on top of their tanks and vehicles. If they were up against any zombies at the early onset of the apocalypse, they would definitely be able to wipe out a million zombies with ease.

However, after 2 years of evolution, the zombies had become even more monstrous, developing into various frightening creatures. If these 20,000 soldiers were to face against a million zombies in a frontal clash, the only result would be their deaths after merely wiping out a few tens of thousands of zombies.

Under Randy’s orders, the armored troops quickly turned around and went back the direction they came from.

"The back!! There are zombies at the back!! There’re so many of them!!"

Just as they retreated, the recon teams behind reported a spine-chilling fact.

At the same time, the unmanned drones behind also discovered another dense horde of zombies behind surging towards them.

Sha! Sha!! Sha!!!

Barely seconds after displaying those images, the unmanned drones were immediately destroyed by the aerial Evolved zombies, leaving behind static images on the display.

By this time, Randy was pale, and he could not help but curse, "Shit!! Those zombies have become crafty! Fuck!!"

In the past, they were assumed to be stupid and brainless. Even a simple trap could hold back many ordinary zombies.

In these 2 years, Randy had made use of his forces to wipe out over millions of zombies. Even the Z2s and Z3s were merely fools to him. He had never placed them high on his priority list.

To think that these brainless monsters were able to route his forces today, causing him to be furious and at the same time, filled with despair.

Once they were surrounded, these 20,000 elites would become food for the zombies.

At this time, an intelligence officer piped in, "General, headquarters wants to speak to you."

"Receive it." Randy’s face turned dark as he muttered, "Those fat fucks, are they trying to pick a fight with me now? What the fuck are their intelligence units doing?! How come they didn’t see so many zombies? Or are the satellites already useless? Shit."

As he was cursing, one of the displays brightened, revealing a wizened old man in military wear, exuding a strict military charm.

The moment Randy saw this old man, his face turned serious, "General."

This old man in front of him was one of the upper echelons of the Kingdom of God, Judel. Prior to the apocalypse, he had been a major general of the German forces. After the apocalypse, he had commanded the Kingdom of God’s forces to wipe out countless zombies and enemy factions. His prestige within the army was incredibly high.

The Apostles were all special and talented individuals, powerful Evolvers that were revered among the ordinary people of the Kingdom of God. However, they had no experience nor talent in command, after all, they were focused on their individual strength.

Thus, in terms of military matters, the authority still laid with those from a military background.

Judel’s face was exhausted as he spoke, "Randy, the Elders have given their orders. Call back the troops, and bring our Aryan boys back to India."

When Randy heard this, he exclaimed in spite of himself, "WHAT?! Sir, do you know what you’re asking?! If we were to retreat now, our 15th Battalion in Asia would perish at the hands of those zombies!! 20,000 outstanding soldiers would be sacrificed because of this decision!!"

Judel snapped coldly, "I know that it’s hard for you to accept this decision. Look around you!! You’re already surrounded by countless zombies!! If you fight on, your entire army will be wiped out! Our Aryan boys cannot be lost out there. Bring them home. As for the 15th Battalion, they’re just a bunch of Chinese people. If they die, so be it. We saved them and groomed them. It’s time for them to use their lives to repay our efforts."

In Judel’s eyes, the 15th Battalion was collateral that could be sacrificed for the sake of the pure-blooded Aryan soldiers.

In fact, to the Kingdom of God, the Aryans were the superior race. Everyone else was of a lower status, and tools to be used. Within their forces, all the commanders were Aryans, while only the lower-ranking officers consisted of other races. It was also not as easy for these people to rise in rank.

Most of the upper management in Taiwanese companies were comprised of Taiwanese people. Even Japanese MNCs had their own people installed in the upper echelons. Such treatment was common everywhere even before the apocalypse, not to mention after.

Beyond Judel, Yue Zhong himself would choose to sacrifice the other races and people from other countries if he was forced to choose. Under the direst of circumstances would he then sacrifice his fellow Chinese people.

Randy fell into silence, he had been working with the 15th Battalion these 2 years and watched them grow. He had already grown attached to them. After all, he was human, and not unfeeling. Making him abandon his own loyal troops, even if they were Chinese, was a hard decision for him to make.

Judel frowned before he barked out sternly. "General Randy! This is an order! A military order!! You are commanded to carry this out without further delay!!"

Randy was startled, and he quickly saluted, "Understood, Sir!"

After that, he regained his composure, and issued a flurry of orders, "All troops are to gather at the mountain, begin fortification. Contact all Aryan soldiers to board the aircraft swiftly."

Under his orders, the 15th Battalion swiftly got to work, gathering at a nearby mountain and started preparing their defenses.

Having undergone strict military training, they were adept at using the various vehicles to form a central command post and built defensive structures around.

However, just as they finished their preparations, a few aircraft carriers flew out from the central vehicles, flanked by Thunder Fighters as they soared away.

"What was that?!"

"They fled!! They fled!!"

"Fuck!! Those damn Germans abandoned us and fled!!"

"Aren’t we comrades?!! Why abandon us?! WHY?!!"

"Bastards!!! Beasts!!"


Seeing the various large carriers flying away, escorted by the Thunder Fighters, the 15th Battalion of the Kingdom of God fell into despair.

"Damn bastards! Go to hell!!"

Amidst their grief and rage, who knew who started it, but a few soldiers began to fire their weapons at the aircraft in the sky.

The various other soldiers began utilizing their machine guns and fired crazily as well.

In a second, comrades had turned to enemies.


One slow aircraft had been punctured full of holes by the enraged shooting below, and blew up in a huge ball of flames, descending towards the ground.

"Damn Chinese dogs."

There were 65 Aryans within that aircraft, and seeing their fellow countrymen die, a few Thunder Fighter pilots were enraged. They immediately turned around and fired napalm grenades at the 15th Battalion below.

Hong! Hong! Hong!

As the napalm grenades landed, they exploded into seas of flames that enveloped the entire area, immediately causing screams of agony and misery to ring.

At the same time, the Thunder Fighters fired out rockets at the tanks and armored vehicles, turning them into blazing heaps, tearing a huge hole in the defense line.

"Fuck!!! Those white pigs are despicable!! Bunch of bastards!!"

Those who were enraged but had kept their cool instantly exploded with fury, quickly firing out their anti-air weapons. These had been kept in preparation to face off against Yue Zhong’s forces but were now used on their own comrades.

The fierce volley of attacks began to buffet towards the sky.

Under the relentless assault, one of the Thunder Fighters was struck, and exploded resoundingly, falling to the ground.

The rest quickly pulled away, ascending higher and joining the rest of the fleeing troops. They had already broken the defense line of the 15th Battalion, dooming them. They were not willing to waste any more time.

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