BJ Archmage

Chapter 71

Chapter 71


a capsule room lounge

There was always a place full of stories about Godworth, and it was the same as usual.

People were gathered as usual, and at the center was Lee Hyuk-joo, a part-timer who abandoned his job.

"I mean the BJ archangel, the white cane from Wii is the key to the special dungeon."

And the guests, as usual, snorted their own distinctive noses at Lee\'s words.

Lee Hyuk-joo said angrily at the sound.

"It\'s really high-end information. It\'s a super-special information I\'ve heard from an amazing person.”

Everyone said that with a sneer.

One of the dogs said in person.

"If you just listen to what I say, you\'ll think I\'m working with BJ Master, saying hello in a friendly manner every morning. Hey, go get a part-time job. The lights are on over there."


"Yes, fire."

When Lee Hyuk-joo heard the fire was on, he turned his head and left the lounge.

He then quickly greeted the guest who came out of the capsule and moved back to the lounge.

It was about that time.


The fact that Lee Hyuk-joo found Jung Hyun-woo with a look of anguish on the sofa near the counter.

"Hyung, do you have any concerns?"

Of course, agonizing itself was not a problem.

Because Jung Hyun-woo\'s life was more painful than joy.

"You looked happy a little while ago, didn\'t you?

But until just five minutes ago, Jung Hyun-woo, who just came out of the capsule, looked happier than ever.

The fact made Lee Hyuk-joo ask a question.

Instead of answering the question, Jung glanced only at his smartphone.


Then there was a belated response, and Lee Hyuk-joo said in that response.

"No, just do your business."

"Oh, yeah."

Jung Hyun-woo is worried about something very serious, so there\'s nothing good about getting involved in it.

At Lee\'s appearance, Jung turned to his smartphone again instead of answering.

Then it appeared.

[Iceball Skill Card]

[Lightingball Skill Card]

[Ice Spear Skill Card]

Three skill cards that arrive at your G Bay account.

These were gifts from Rising Star Channel.

\'Oh, you\'re making a goal.’

The gift was now worrying Jung Hyun-woo.

It wasn\'t that I didn\'t like the present itself.

Rather than not liking it, it was more necessary than ever for Jung Hyun-

In addition, the three skill cards combined were worth more than $5,000.

5 million won means a considerable amount.

So at first, I was happy the moment I received it.

Of course I knew it wasn\'t free.

There\'s no way the Rising Star Channel would give you a gift like this for no reason.

\'I\'m sure it\'s because of the white cane video above.’

And in this situation, there was only one thing the Rising Star Channel wanted from the BJ archipelago.

In fact, that wasn\'t exactly a problem to worry about.

\'An item that has never been released in GOTWORDS……\'

What was worrying was the card that Jung Hyun-woo held in his hand.

\'…\' to catch a monster that has never been released to Godworth.’

That I have a hand that is too powerful in my hand.

It was literally.

The white cane of the stomach and the splitting twar.

If you could show the two things that have never been revealed to the world at the same time through live broadcasts?

\'This is awesome. In a sense, it explodes even more into the jackpot than a jewelry alligator.’

It\'s a matter of how much it explodes, it\'s self-evident that it will explode.

That\'s why I had to worry.

The problem is that the main scenario quest is being released…\'

In return, I had to let everyone know that BJ Grand Master was doing something special.

In fact, in the past, Jung would have chosen not to do this without worrying about it.

Stealing can be done for a long time without being caught.

Also, in the past, there was no merit in making it public.

\'Merit\'s got it\'’

In other words, it has changed now.

The merit of making it public right now was incomparable.

The imported portion alone would be 10 million units if not enough for Chung.

Considering the recognition gained through this process and the future income gained based on it, the expected value was well worth billions of units.

\'I\'ve already been caught.

More than anything else, at least one group knew that BJ Grand Master was doing something now.

And they were rather sabotaging.

You\'re hiding it in that kind of situation?

So what can you get?

Rather, what would be the loss if they released the main scenario quest in reverse?

\'If you step on it, you can\'t reverse it anymore.’

This disclosure would be irrevocable, but even considering it, it was not bad timing bad.

No, it was the right time.

As soon as it was revealed, the name value of BJ Grand Master would really shine like a star, and there would be more opportunities in the future and, crucially, there was a channel to support all of all.

Jung Hyun-woo, who reached the fact, soon closed his eyes.

Soon after, Jung Hyun-woo, who opened his eyes tightly closed, finished his resolution.

\'Let\'s give it a try.’


"How\'s the channel going these days?"

When asked by Park Young-joon, his subordinate looked at him gently instead of answering.

Park Young-joon tilted his head in the gaze.

"Why? Is there a problem? Is it so strange for the boss to ask how our company is doing these days?”

"No, it\'s not that……I don\'t think the boss often asks that question."


"You used to come to a conclusion when we talked about the indicators, didn\'t you?"”

Literally, most of the conclusions on the mathematical and economic indicators of Rising Star Channel were made by Park Young-joon.

There was no other reason.

No one had the best insight and analytical skills.

"I just want to see you at a different point in time. How\'s our channel doing these days?"

The subordinate raised his thumb to the question that followed soon.

"Best. In two weeks, the number of channel subscribers has gone up 33 percent. The total number of views has gone up by 17 percent. The WAZTube channel is now ranked 1032nd.”

The staff member, who was praising highly, nodded his head and finished his speech.

"It\'s all thanks to the boss who hired BJ.”

Park touched his head with his fingers when his subordinate told him that he ended up with flattery.

It was as explained by his subordinates.

The BJ Grand Master was making the Rising Star Channel look like a real rising star.

The quality of incoming sponsors, as well as indicators, has changed.

You don\'t have to look for advertisers anymore.

Although he refused, he has already received several requests for investment.

an indescribable uptrend

Nevertheless, that was what troubled him.

"Abyss Guild is interested……\'

That the pinnacle of this world is interested in BJ archaic history.

\'Well, that\'s possible.’

Of course, that alone was nothing strange.

\'But contacting us for information is a different story.’

The strange thing was that the great Abyss Guild had in mind a channel called Rising Star Channel, which they had never heard or seen before, in order to get information about BJ Grand Master.

\'You can\'t have asked us the first question.’

Obviously, he would have already asked questions elsewhere before he asked the Rising Star channel.

\'You\'ve asked all the teenage guild questions.

Especially considering the close relationship between the Abyss Guild and the Teenage Guild, you would have asked them questions first.

\'BJ daemadosa is acquainted with Azmo.’

In the process, questions would have been asked to Azmo, too.

But what does it mean to find a Rising Star channel because there was no answer?

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.

When he reached the point, Park smiled unconsciously.

The laughter was proof.

Park Young-joon, proof that he has reached the answer.

"Mr. President? Is something wrong?"

At the laugh that came out after deep anguish, a subordinate asked the question with a look of reluctance, and Park said, holding back his laughter.

"There\'s something going on. By all means, that\'s a big deal, too.

The BJ archipelago has no intention of informing its teenage guild of its identity. In other words, I have no intention of joining hands with them.’

Park Young-joon said with the answer.

"BJ Grand Master\'s side will arrange a big event soon. We all go into an emergency management system just in case."


"And send a reply when you get a call from the BJ archangel."

It was the moment.

"I got an e-mail from BJ archangelist. I\'m going to do a live broadcast, and they want me to tell them a They seem to be trying to reveal the white cane options above."

As if a prophecy was made, as Park Young-joon said, a request for a big event came and all of his subordinates looked at Park Young-joon with surprised eyes.

To them, Park said with a relaxed look like a great prophet.

"Send it to the BJ archangel. You can sing live right away. And…"

Park Young-joon, who paused at that moment, said with a look of determination.

"If you give our channel a one-year exclusive contract for all video and live transmissions, we\'ll give you a nine-to-one share of the profits."


"Ay, really! If you don\'t want to believe it, don\'t believe it! I\'m not going to tell you any more information about the BJ archipelago!"

It was Jung Hyun-woo who welcomed Lee Hyuk-joo, who left the rest room by saying something similar to grumbling.

Wow, Hyunwoo must be worried a lot.’

Lee Hyuk-joo shook his head at the sight of Jung Hyun-woo looking at his smartphone in a position not at all different from what he had just seen.

How bad is that?… you\'re not thinking about selling organs, are you?’

Lee Hyuk-joo was not only sad but also worried about the same time.

It was then.


Jung Hyun-woo, who was looking at his smartphone, began to exhale.

Like a runaway steam locomotive.

So breathing out, Jung Hyun-woo said, tapping Lee Hyuk-ju\'s shoulder after waking up.

"Hyuk-ju, I\'ll be in the capsule in 10 minutes, so please set it up.”

"Are you going back in again?”

"The employer tells me to work, so I have to."

At the sight, Lee Hyuk-ju stopped talking.

I just smiled a bitter smile and gave comfort to my heart.

"Hyun-woo, you\'re having a hard time getting caught by a really tough employer."


One of the conditions of a star player is to keep him waiting.

- When do you get a BJ archangel video?

- When do you reveal the white cane of the stomach?

In that sense, it was no exaggeration to say that the BJ archipelago now has a star quality.

Because I was keeping people waiting.

- What do you know about that?

- Not interested in Donjiral Tem.

- You\'re just gonna paint the cane white on the top and say it\'s the white cane on the top.

Of course, the starlight is still weak, but even if the starlight is weak, the star is a star.

- I think he\'s gonna lie here and be buried.

- The end of the bluffing bastards is a rag.

- It looks like you just screamed. Honestly, would a new item come out like that? What kind of novel are you?

On the contrary, Starlight could be turned off at any time if it does not show any light.

Those who knew the fact were sure.

- BJ archdosa is a guy who\'s been playing some games at first sight. I never miss this opportunity.

- Set your angle and wait. No matter what, I\'ll sing live.

- BJ University Madosa Boom is coming!

Before that, BJ Lucky Boom will come first.

I\'m sure the time will come.

And then came the time.

- BJ Grand Master Live on Rising Star Channel!


- We\'re starting the broadcast.

At the end of the chat window manager\'s words, the quiet chat window began to fill up with all kinds of viewers.

The number quickly exceeded 1,000 units and reached 10,000 units.

an explosive increase

- BJ archangel!

- It\'s your first time to watch it live!

- You don\'t need a BJ archangel or anything, give me Lucky!

Lucky\'s no big deal!

Lucky ranked 1st, Gold, Gold, Gold item 3rd, and BJ Daemadosa 4th.

The 10,000 viewers\' comments without filtering began to fill the chat window with all kinds of chats.

Chaos, itself.

Chaos that can\'t find any order or commonality.

"Hello, BJ Grand Master."

But Midas put the chaos together.

"I\'m here to keep my word."

The moment Midas pulled out the weapon in his hand with the words, the response in the chat window was the same.

- It\'s a white cane!

- Is this the legendary weapon of the legend?

- What\'s the option?

Show me some item options!

Midas nodded at the enthusiastic support.

"Well, let\'s not make it too long. I don\'t think everyone came here to talk to me in a short time, and I\'ll get to the point. We have a monster here to show you the options for this monster."

At that moment Midas pointed to one place with the tip of his cane, and the screen naturally moved to it, too.


The first thing that caught my eye at that moment was Tugar, a tree-shaped giant with a height of four meters.

No one was surprised at the fact.

- As expected, you\'re showing it against Tugargh!

- I\'ve got a jewelry alligator, and if you show off your items like Lizadman, you don\'t have the form!

- Tugar is a monster with a height of 3 to 4 meters, with camouflage skills that appear in the giant\'s forest, and as a way to attack…

Turn off the Wazwiki.

As everyone expected.


Rather, viewers\' attention has already been a real ruckus against the Tugar.

- Wow, Lucky\'s no joke.

- You ride the Tugar body like a toy.

- Unlike swampy areas, this place can use 100 percent of my ability.

Rather than feeling intimidated by the huge body of Tugar, Lucky\'s fighting ability to attack it in reverse and gnaw at Tugar\'s body was amazing.

- Well, that\'s like a smart.

- That\'s not the only way to be smart.

However, such fighting power has already been shown to the world countless times through Rappo\'s recruits and smarts.

It was a wonderful but nothing new.

Most of all, it was not such a sight that those who came here wanted to see.

Soon complaints began to appear in the chat room.

- I didn\'t come here to see that…… huh?

- You can see that in my house…… huh?

At that moment, strange changes began to occur in the body of Tugar, who was under Lucky\'s attack.


Every part of Tugar\'s body began to crack, to pieces.


The pieces that had been so carved began to move into tiny twigs.

- What, what?

- Tugar split up?

- What the hell is this?

In an instant the chat window was filled with surprise, and Midas, holding the white cane of the stomach in his hand, opened his mouth before the surprise.

"From now on, I\'ll stop answering your comments."

Midas continued with a light smile.

"Because memorizing the spelling will also breathe."

At the end of the remark, Midas shouted.

"Fireball and Iceball and Lightning Ball."

It was the moment when triple casting began.

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