A Wizard's Secret

Chapter 537 - A Shift in Mindset

Chapter 537: A Shift in Mindset

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


The thunderbolt and flames in Merlin’s hands combined in an instant. However, when he tried fusing the Wind-type spell, his spell fusion became unstable immediately, on the verge of collapse.

Merlin shook his head helplessly. It looked like he was still unable to find the critical point, and thus unable to fuse three spells for a long while now. If he was able to do so, the might of his spell fusion would rapidly flourish. At that point, even those peak Ninth-level Spell Casters who had fused two Spell Models would be no match for Merlin.

It was just that fusing three types of spells was too challenging. Merlin had even decisively used the Wind-type spell as the third spell to be fused. Wind-type spells would not clash with Fire-type and Thunder-type spells. Even so, it was of utmost difficulty to merge a Wind-type spell with the existing spell fusion.

If this was the case for Wind-type spells, Merlin could forget about the other types of spells, which would be even harder to fuse.

“Wizard Merlin, could it be that in Arcane City, there are many like you who fuse spells?”

On their journey, the ten or so young Wizards seemed curious about Merlin and Wizard Midnight but the latter wore such a cold expression that they dared not ask him anything. Conversely, Merlin who also appeared aloof would still answer their questions. Therefore, once they had any inquiries, they would put it to Merlin.

Merlin shook his head. “There aren’t many.”

Merlin was telling the truth. Spell fusion was difficult. How could it be possibly achieved by everyone? Even if it was in Arcane City, those who could fuse spells were rare indeed.

These Spell Casters admired Merlin’s spell fusion very much. Naturally, they heard that one could still fuse spells even without becoming a Ninth-level Spell Caster. Moreover, one’s strength would become formidable after spell fusion.

It was just that none of them had seen any Spell Caster below the Ninth-level who could fuse spells. Now, they had finally met a Wizard like Merlin who was able to fuse spells as a Fifth-level Spell Caster. Naturally, they were excited, and their gazes revealed their rapt admiration.

At last, the Spell Caster at the lead could not help but ask Merlin, “Wizard Merlin, is there a trick to spell fusion?”

“Trick? What, you wish to learn it?”

Merlin replied with a question, laughing. In fact, there was no big secret to spell fusion but its difficulty lay in putting it into practice. Even if one had grasped its theoretical basis, it did not matter.

Merlin, for instance, knew very well that he would have to find the critical point in order to fuse the spells successfully. However, he had tried with his Wind-type spell for a very long time yet was still incapable of doing so. This was because he was unable to find the critical point.

The most important aspect of spell fusion was to practice it. It must be fate that had brought these Spell Casters to Merlin, and he did not mind sharing some knowledge with them. After all, spell fusion was not some great secret.

If it was something else like Occult Mind Spells, Merlin naturally would not pass it on. That was secretive to its core, and even if he wanted to teach it to others, he must obtain Wizard Ossais’ permission.

“Is Wizard Merlin really willing to teach us the trick to spell fusion?”

In that instant, these Spell Casters were bubbling with excitement. This was spell fusion – how precious was that? Merlin was willing to teach them just like that?

Merlin smiled and said freely, “It’s nothing more than a few tips. If you’re able to fuse spells because of that, then it’s just your luck. Furthermore, these aren’t great secrets, and in fact, many Spell Casters know of them.”

As soon as they heard that Merlin was going to explain the trick to spell fusion, all at once the ten or so Spell Casters focused their attention onto Merlin. They made not one sound, silently, and attentively listening to Merlin’s explanation.

Merlin was not stingy with his knowledge in the slightest, narrating in detail all the methods he had picked up during spell fusion. He would even expound in greater detail when some of the Spell Casters asked questions.

As for Wizard Midnight, he said not a word, sitting quietly at a distance as he watched Merlin teach them the trick to spell fusion. Of course, Wizard Midnight was familiar with these tips for spell fusion, and had attempted it before. Nonetheless, it was far too challenging with a great degree of risk, so he had given it up.

Now, he was already a lofty Ninth-level Spell Caster at the peak, already starting to fuse Spell Models. There was no need for him to fuse spells.

Still, as he watched Merlin explain so generously, he could not help himself from nodding along wordlessly.

Soon enough, more than half of the day had gone by but daylight did not fade. The Bloodshed Universe was different from ordinary dimensions. In here, there was no day or night. The Ultimate Arcane Wizards, in order to punish the Dora Demon Tribe, had placed the Bloodshed Universe in eternal daylight.


Merlin had finally finished his explanation. He saw that the ten or so young Wizards were in deep thoughts, and some were even making an honest attempt at spell fusion, searching for the critical point that Merlin had mentioned.

Nevertheless, Merlin had warned them that they must be careful. After all, their Spell Models were not that stable, and they did not possess the excellent physical attributes which Merlin had back then. If the spells exploded, their lives might be in danger.

“Wizard Merlin!”

Wizard Midnight, upon seeing that Merlin was finished, called out with a smile.

“Wizard Midnight.”

Merlin flew directly to Midnight’s side, asking with concern, “Wizard Midnight, what’s the matter?”

Wizard Midnight smiled and eyed the ten or so young Wizards behind Merlin, then said serenely, “Wizard Merlin, you’re generous indeed to pass on your own experiences to them. Although everyone knows the general facts of spell fusion, what you’ve explained belongs to your own understanding, to your individual experience of success. Even I have benefitted greatly from listening to you. Ah, I’m afraid they don’t know what a precious opportunity this was!”

Merlin wore a calm expression. He knew that what Wizard Midnight said was true. It might be that the general facts of spell fusion were known to all, especially to some Great Legends and Great Wizards. After all, they had slowly leveled up from Ninth-level Spell Casters. Fusing Spell Models and fusing spells, in fact, differed only in a few aspects and shared many similarities.

However, what Merlin had just told them was his personal understanding and experience which had led to success. This could be called something precious indeed.

“Wizard Midnight, fate had brought these Wizards to us in the Bloodshed Universe. All that I’ve said was nothing more than what I’ve learned and understood. If they were able to benefit from that, of course, that’s a good thing. The might of the Spell Caster civilization would be strengthened by just that much. In addition, this isn’t anything to hide. In fact, I hope that my experiences and insights would spread throughout the myriad of dimensions through their words.”

Merlin was rather carefree about this. The trick to spell fusion was not a secret. The theory was merely the introductory step to help them ascertain the right direction. What was truly important was practice, to search for the critical point within a Spell Caster’s own spells.

If he was able to spread his knowledge, resulting in an occasional Wizard or two succeeding in spell fusion and augmenting their abilities, Merlin would be glad. This was something meaningful to the entire Spell Caster civilization.

In truth, before he had arrived in Arcane City or even before he had come into contact with the Rock Tribe in the Seely Dimension, Merlin would not have such a mindset. Previously, he had been like most Spell Casters, being relatively “selfish”. Naturally, he would keep the good stuff and good tips to himself instead of sharing them so freely.

However, in the Seely Dimension, he had witnessed how the Seely people did not hold their own fates in their hands. The Seely people could only seek survival between the gap of the Rock Tribe and the Spell Caster civilization. If the Spell Caster civilization and the Rock Tribe waged an open war one day, as long as contenders at the level of Great Honored Legends were sent forth, the entire Seely Dimension would be wiped out easily.

In the vast boundless Void Zone, there were countless tribes and civilizations. The Spell Caster civilization, under the leadership of the three Ultimate Arcane Wizards and many powerful Honored Legends, had occupied tens of thousands of dimensions and was considered to be a comparatively powerful civilization.

However, it was merely a comparatively powerful civilization and was far from being at the top. At the very least, the Spell Caster civilization was now unable to deal with the Rock Tribe.

In the Void Zone, the Spell Caster civilization was occasionally in unfavorable situations. Every day, there were battles with foreign tribes, and every day, countless Spell Casters would die.

From this, Merlin had discerned a source of “urgency”, having come from the Kingdom of Blackmoon to the Void Zone. Before this, the widespread Spell Caster civilization was his most solid foundation. He had thought that in the entire world, Spell Casters were supreme, able to exile even the powerful natural gods.

Nonetheless, after gaining a true understanding of the situation of the Spell Caster civilization, some changes had occurred in Merlin’s heart.

Therefore, if this was Merlin of the past, he would not tell these Spell Casters so many things. He might even choose to act like Hugo when he first saw them caught in danger, indifferent and unmoved, only concerned with self-preservation. However, the higher he stood, the further he could see, and subtle transformations had taken place in his heart, shifting Merlin’s mentality and behavior in certain ways.

This act of teaching the trick of spell fusion, done in passing, might be seeds of a sort. Perhaps these seeds would take root and sprout in these Spell Casters, and it would not threaten Merlin anyway. Presently, Merlin would not mind doing more of such deeds.

After a long moment, Wizard Midnight drew in a deep breath and spoke leisurely, “It looks like Wizard Merlin has understood the general situation of the entire Spell Caster civilization. Back when I was weak, I thought that standing at the top of a kingdom was the most powerful I can be. Thereafter, I discovered that there was a vast continent beyond the kingdom, and beyond the continent were the endless dimensions. At last, I came to Arcane City and went through a few battles with foreign tribes. Only then did I learn, on a profound level, how much the Spell Caster civilization is struggling.

“Generally, among the entire Spell Caster civilization, only a few Great Wizards and Great Legends, and people like us from Arcane City, would know of these circumstances. This is due to our privileged positions. The stability in the depths of the Spell Caster civilization is built upon the bedrock of battles between countless Great Wizards and Great Legends against foreign tribes.

“In truth, I’ve already fused four types of spells. The final type left is Darkness-type. I came to the Bloodshed Universe in order to understand the Essence of Darkness through the act of slaughtering. Once I succeed and achieve Five-Elemental spell fusion, I’ll instantly become one of the top Great Wizards. At that point, I’ll choose to leave Arcane City to the very edges of the Spell Caster civilization. I’ll choose a place where we’re fighting foreign tribes. There, I’ll complete the process of condensing a Maxim or become one of the millions of Wizards who die in battle...”

Wizard Midnight’s voice hinted at the adversities of his past. Merlin could dimly sense that Wizard Midnight must surely have a history which he was unwilling to speak about...

“Rumble rumble.”

Suddenly, the sky erupted in bursts of deafening thunderclaps. Beams of lightning, each as thick as an arm, streaked across the sky. The Thunder Element in the air seemed to be agitated, appearing to be unusually active.

“What a great commotion. Someone is casting a powerful spell up ahead. Shall we go and see what’s happening?”

Wizard Midnight’s expression steadied as he stood up promptly.

Merlin roused the ten or so Spell Casters. Together with Wizard Midnight, they quickly flew toward the area with the most intense Elemental fluctuations.

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