Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 280 - The Gods’ Covenant

Chapter 280: The Gods’ Covenant

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A ray of light descended to the bitwall, then entered the Levitation City. Soon after, another ray of light also descended in the same spot.

Lu Zhiyu sat in the grand hall, which resembled the shrine of the Gods. The grand hall was surrounded by glass windows, which offered a lovely view of the beautiful scenery outside.

There was a towering Fairy Tree outside, and busy fairies were flitting throughout the forest. Some of the fairies brought Eva fruit from the forest.

As she enjoyed the fruit, the adorable fairies sat on Eva’s shoulder and sang to her. These fairies played an important role in helping Eva manage the Levitation City.

The high-domed ceiling of the great hall had murals painted on it, and the floor was covered with red carpet. Kelly, the Goddess of Light, and Verthandi, had just descended in the form of two rays of light. At present, they were sitting across from Lu Zhiyu.

“This cannot go on,” Verthandi said to Lu Zhiyu, clearly worried. “This is only a level six existence, and it is already capable of wreaking such havoc upon the world. If we do not rein things in now and a level seven existence or a God strikes, it could be absolutely catastrophic!”

“Lord, I agree. We should really address this now,” Kelly said, while nodding.

“Exactly. This is a big problem.” Delmedi, who was barely a young adult, also nodded, a look of feigned seriousness on her face.

The truth was that she paid no attention to the things that happened down below. And... If she ever did, she wasn’t bothered by the chaos, as she was more than happy to witness more chaos!

At the moment, Delmedi was wearing her hair down. Her features were exquisite and pronounced, while her eyes were doll-like. These features made her look charming and extremely enchanting.

Her mouth curled up slightly at the ends, revealing a clever and prideful smile. Her glance was piercing and confident, even somewhat intimidating.

She was wearing a black cloak and had a huge scythe attached to her back. Her hood, which was upturned, rested behind her hair.

“For now, there should be no problem,” Lu Zhiyu said as he also nodded. “But, it will indeed become a big problem in the future. Since you are the Gods that manage the rules of the world, you can discuss this matter amongst yourselves and enter into a Gods’ Covenant. You can then let Gaia, host of the Divine Kingdom, amend the rules of the world.”

He paused for a moment, then continued, “You can reject all level seven existences at the main bitwall. You have absolute authority to forbid them from entering and descending into the bitwall. These level seven existences will then have to either enter the Divine Kingdom or the Underworld, enter the half bitwall, or leave Maria’s World altogether. This will solve our problem!”

Lu Zhiyu then stood up, waved his hand to summon Gaia, and turned to project something on the screen. The Gods’ Covenant had been drafted rapidly and had appeared before Lu Zhiyu, as if by magic. As it was projected on the screen, everyone’s attention was focused upon it.

Kelly was the first to sign her divine name on this Gods’ Covenant. With a tap of her finger, divine power rolled forth and left her mark upon it. She was followed by Verthandi and Delmedi, who also sign their divine names to the covenant. Finally, Lu Zhiyu sealed the covenant.

As he did so, he declared, “In the name of the Creator, I declare this covenant valid!”

In an instant, the covenant twisted and spun. Then, the endless string of words gradually evaporated into the air, like water vapor, and blended into the depths of the world.

There was an indescribable change in the depths of the world. While this change was indiscernible to the common man, the Gods could sense it. There was a new rule that had been added to the original set of rules.

With Lu Zhiyu as the witness, the inaugural Gods’ Covenant had been officially signed. It was now recorded in the archives of the Divine Kingdom and would become a standard of rules in the depths of Maria’s World.

After they each spoke to Lu Zhiyu, Verthandi and Kelly left the Levitation City to return to their own kingdoms. Delmedi, on the other hand, stayed and lingered around Lu Zhiyu.

“Why are you still lingering here? How long has it been since you last took a look at the Underworld?” Lu Zhiyu asked her.

Lu Zhiyu picked his Gods like how one would decide who would inherit their home. First and foremost, they had to be his heir. Their abilities were secondary.

This was why the three most authoritative Divine Roles had been given to Kelly, Verthandi, and Delmedi. This was also why Lu Zhiyu had assigned the role of God of Death to Delmedi, even though she was rather unreliable. For the less important Divine Roles, he only needed someone with average abilities and sufficient heart to undertake the responsibilities.

But, Delmedi was clearly over it, and her initial enthusiasm had waned. Just after spending a few days in her role as the God of Death, here she was, merely lingering around Lu Zhiyu.

She no longer went to the Underworld to complete her rounds. Hence, she was clearly not reliable, much less suitable to be a God!

But, as the Underworld had been running perfectly well for years without a God of Death, even if Delmedi washed her hands of her responsibilities in the Underworld entirely, it would be perfectly capable of running itself, as the countless Death Messengers would maintain order.

At present, Delmedi was sprawled on a sofa. She was barefoot and had her small, fair legs straightened out in front of her. She was reading a novel about knight literature from the Orc Kingdom.

“The Underworld is too mundane! It is utterly meaningless and does not challenge me at all! Everything has already been arranged, and I have nothing to do. All I do is sit there like a statue! So, I figured that I might as well come home. At least I have you to chat with when I’m here!” Delmedi said as she pouted and looked at Lu Zhiyu impatiently.

“Then, you will have to pick a Follower God to act as the Second King to the Underworld. You will then need to ensure the he or she will run the Underworld in your place!” Lu Zhiyu replied.

“Okay, but who should I pick?” Delmedi asked.

Lu Zhiyu was at a loss of words for moment before he replied, “The choice is obvious! Have you not observed your believers and their religions?”

Delmedi pondered his words, then replied, “No. I have not been observing much since I set up the divine system. Do you mean Cetisius, that rather formidable King of the Humans?”

“Well, Cetisius is an interesting person. He is very devout, but his faith does not lie in the Gods. Instead, he places his faith in religion itself. In fact, his entire life has been devoted to fulfilling his initial promise to me and accomplishing his goals. Moreover, he is an idealist!” Lu Zhiyu answered instantly.

He then looked at Delmedi and continued, “So, you shall guide him and ignite his Divine Flame, as well as receive him as your Follower God and make him the Second King to the Underworld!”

Delmedi’s eyes lit up instantly as she said, “This plan sounds mighty interesting!”


Cetisius was haggard and looked like an elderly person. This wasn’t surprising, as he was already 200 years old.

While he still had a long way to go before his life would end, Cetisius felt that he was indeed an old man. This was not so much a matter of his physical age, but his spiritual age.

He had fought his entire life, so he was extremely weary. He had united the entire Batko area, built up the strong Pusuote Dynasty, moved eastwards to annihilate the Tuten Dynasty and vastly expanded his territory toward the west.

The lands he had conquered could be said to be the vastest lands that any empire had occupied thus far. The great dynasties that he had established were also the most powerful ever to be documented. They were even superior to the Crete Empire that occupied the entire Central Province.

But, the Eastern World and the Batko area had a very small population, most of which was extremely poor. It was Cetisius who had brought the Batko population out of their squalor, while guiding them to pursue a brighter future.

At present, the occupied the vast and fertile lands to the north of the Tuten Dynasty. The crops they produced were vital, as they protected the entire population of the Pusuote Empire from famine.

After Cetisius had accomplished this great feat, he had slowly lost his ambition. This was especially the case after he had been repeatedly defeated by the City Alliance of Sheehan.

Thus, he currently had no interest in territorial expansion. He had already realized his initial dream and no longer wished to wage war endlessly.

At the moment, Cetisius looked down from the top balcony of his palace, which was the highest point in the entire capital. From here, he could see everything within his territory.

This is indeed a glorious world that I have created! This thought made Cetisius both proud and a bits sad at the same time. He was proud because he had influenced an entire era and generation, yet he was somewhat sad because he could no longer keep up with the changing times.

“Times are changing so quickly. This world has already changed so much! I am old now and no longer can I keep up!” he exclaimed to no one but himself.

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