Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 339 - A Different Wizard Civilization

Chapter 339: A Different Wizard Civilization

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Brook Kim, these parts need to be fixed again. Can you understand the drawings? There can’t be any deviation on the size. This is the latest version of the plate armor section of the alchemy spaceship tail!”

Inside the Wizard Tower, a goblin in white utility coveralls with oil stains on his sleeves was listening to a wizard disciple wearing a gray cape. Brook was smiling and enthusiastic as if he had devoted all his energy to grasping the basics of alchemy techniques.

“Rest assured and leave everything to me,” he said to the wizard disciple. “I will definitely do a great job!”

“Also,” the disciple continued, “Some of the gas lamps up there were broken, which might be indicative of problems in the gas series connection equipment. Could you go up there and fix them?”

“No problem,” Brook replied. “I’ll fix them by the afternoon today!”

The wizard disciple started to leave but then turned back again. “One more thing, all thirty of the number eight standard turbines and the characters assigned to you this month must be finished within the week!”

“I’ve already finished more than half of them,” Brook assured him. “I’ll finish them in the coming evening!”

Brook Kim had been sold to Lenny Wizard Tower as a slave, and gradually evolved from a slave who was only responsible for cleaning to an alchemy assistant because his talents and techniques earned him the trust of the human wizards. He commanded a small group of other slaves to help the wizard disciple finish the job, so he received some preferential treatment. He was still using the manually operated alchemy machines that couldn’t be controlled by mind power, so he wasn’t qualified to be a real alchemy wizard. Instead, he was basically a factory worker.

Brook Kim only realized how many different kinds of wizards there were after his arrival at Lenny Wizard Tower. He most admired the alchemy wizards who could randomly make all sorts of alchemy equipment.

The owner of this tower, Great Wizard Lenny, was a powerful level-three wizard. It was said that he came from a holy land of wizards, and everyone here who heard his name would exclaim in admiration and amazement. The main wizard city close to the ocean was named Lenny City after his greatness.

There were over a thousand people living in the wizard tower, and different wizards of different identities lived on different levels. At the penthouse level lived the Great Wizard Lenny. Below that lived his disciples, after which lived the official wizards, wizard disciples, and the ordinary workers and servants. At the bottom of the chain were the slaves of other races, like Brook.

The living conditions in the wizard tower weren’t great, and the slaves were constantly oppressed and exploited. Every day, they were given more workloads than they could possibly finish and the sick and injured were denied medical treatment, leaving them with nothing to do but wait for death. Oftentimes, Brook’s people died miserably.

Despite the horrible conditions, Brook tried to believe the tower was a good place for him.

“We have knowledge and truth here,” he would say to himself. “And we have great knowledge about the powerful alchemy techniques and machines! This is heaven for goblins, and this is the paradise and holy realm for me! I have to become a real alchemy warlock in the future, no matter what it takes!”

After a long day of work that carried on late into the night, Brook realized that it would be morning in a few hours. He entered the low-level rooms belonging to the slaves, tip-toeing since all the other slaves were asleep. While his people slept, Brook lay awake on his bed, reading over the notes he just took by the light of a gas lamp. He had learned the human languages, mathematical systems, and drawing techniques all on his own.

At daybreak, Brook went out to help the city transportation department fix a public steam car that was broken. While Brook helped to fix it, he also tried to analyze the core components and engine systems of the steam machine. Carefully, he studied the structures and principles of the machine.

As he read the blueprint structures and the data and details he’d marked down, Brook’s eyes started to gleam.

“Genius!” he murmured. “What a genius invention!”

Brook had heard that the steam machine was invented by a person named Lars Brown, an ordinary human being without any gifts. Despite his lack of powers, he was now remembered by all the alchemy warlocks.

Inside the wet and windowless slave house, a goblin with a giant green head was lying on the pillow. Brook had just finished studying the whole night once again, and now, he got up just as the sun came out to begin a new day of tasks.

His studying paid off, and he was finally allowed to join a complicated alchemy figure designing task force. After he succeeded at this, Brook was granted special treatment because of his great talents and became an official part of the Lenny Wizard Tower. He embarked on his journey to becoming an alchemy warlock, and he quickly mastered the meditation and basic techniques of alchemy warlocks.

Brook then achieved his goal of becoming an alchemy warlock. He was still a member of Lenny Wizard Tower, and gradually, he became the most incredible alchemy warlock in the tower. He became responsible for all the most difficult and complicated alchemy equipment designing tasks in the tower and worked his way up to the position of most important assistant to the Great Wizard Lenny.

He no longer only made simple alchemy objects like before, instead, he started to take part in manufacturing the most complicated alchemy ships, alchemy spaceships, and alchemy figures. He even calculated the theory on how to make magically-reinforced steam machines smaller. Steam machines that shrunk and all sorts of new alchemy equipment began to enter everyone’s lives. He was highly valued by the Great Wizard Lenny and began his ten-year study in the wizard tower.

This was the first time that he had ever entered the wizard’s holy land. He trained in the most significant wizard tower, an element tower with six levels. More than ten wizard towers surrounded it, and inside the cities lived all the wizards and their apprentices. Brook had never seen so many wizards before, and he made many friends. This was a city in which wizards thrived.

When Brook grew older, he participated in an important designing program for alchemy life forms. In the tower, he experienced an atmosphere that encouraged learning, where all the wizards strived for knowledge and truth. He then realized that his previous views on wizards had been narrow-minded. Only after he studied with them did he realize what being a wizard truly meant and what it was they were pursuing.

In his old age, Brook became a master of alchemy by building the fourth-element wizard tower. He was just a level-three alchemy warlock, yet he was capable of designing and building a wizard tower with level-four elements. Even if he was just a goblin, a creature that human beings despised, he was still called a master by many people after advancing this far.

Brook Kim became the idol of all the goblins. He advanced from a slave nobody to a superior level-three alchemy warlock who was well-known by all. He became the pillar of his people and every goblin worshipped him.

When he felt he’d grown too old, Brook said goodbye to the wizard continent and went back to his hometown, Energy Blood Bronze Dynasty on Titan Continent. Even as he stepped back onto the continent, he realized how different he really was from everyone on the wizard continent, and how different his two homes were from each other.

During his one-hundred-something years away from Titan continent, Brook Kim had gradually evolved to a wizard in not only his habits, but his thoughts. He was no longer a narrow-minded goblin who didn’t know what to strive for.

Brook Kim established his own wizard tower in the goblin dynasty, and he took on goblins as his apprentices. He then encouraged all the goblins and other races to integrate with the wizard alliance and made public the truths of the wizard continent. He taught the other races the ways of the wizard world so that even races who had nothing in common with the wizard civilization or human beings began to accept the wizard system and become one with their culture, causing a surge in their status.

As for the wizard civilization, they allowed more and more races into their system, encouraging them to be a part of the wizard civilization. They let more goblin alchemy warlocks enter the wizard continent, and there were even wizards with dwarf bloodlines, wizards from Troll Dream, and witchcraft boundary fairies walking the streets with human beings. Many elites from other races also made great contributions to the advancement of the wizard civilization.

Suddenly, there were many other races in the wizard tower, and the wizards in the wizard parliament began discussions on whether or not they should let the other races become members. It took the other races almost two hundred years, but eventually, they fully integrated with the wizards.

When Lu Zhiyu stepped on the wizard continent, he felt that he saw a magical world where there were trolls and dwarfs sitting on the same steam locomotives while human beings sat beside them like it was nothing. Goblins were screaming and running around the streets in their work uniforms, fixing all the alchemy facilities in the city. Human kids and dwarf kids went to the same school and carried the same backpacks.

Great fairies who had evolved had also become a part of the wizard system and had become the guides of wizard college. They guarded the Tree of Fairies while managing a large group of fairies and witchcraft gardens.

More than a hundred years ago when Brook Kim first entered the wizard continent, everyone looked at the other races disdainfully. Everything had drastically changed.

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