Astral Pet Store

Chapter 1540 - Gathering (1)

Chapter 1540: Gathering (1)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Inside the store.

In a certain room—Tang Ruyan peered through a window and looked at the figures who were walking in a hurry outside, and the long line in front of the door. She felt quite puzzled by this.

“We don’t have to do business anymore?”

She felt that everything was different ever since the store changed. There was also a strange sense of urgency.

“The store is still operating, although in a different way,” said Green Lady.

She had signed a contract with the store and received a notification from the Mother of Chaos. She also had an inkling of the situation outside, but she didn’t know a lot; after all, she was too weak to understand everything.

“Even so, business seems to have paused for a long time,” said Tang Ruyan, “And Anna is gone, too. Is she in one of the cultivation sites?”

“She’s in the store. She’s just asleep.” Green Lady wore a troubled expression.


“Maybe it’ll be a whole different view when she wakes up,” said Green Lady with a gloomy voice. She looked into the distance without fear in her eyes. Instead, she seemed to be missing someone.

Maybe… She would be able to see him very soon.

The Twilight Deity King…

Somewhere in the human territory—Shen Huang and the other leaders were holding a meeting.

“Sorcerer Ancestor Ti Tuo has ordered all species to train and cooperate to fight the Heavenly Dao!”

“We’re going to fight the Heavenly Dao? We will probably succeed under the lead of the Sorcerer Ancestor!”

“There are myriads of species and forces here. It would be strange not to succeed.”

Chi Ying and the other dominators received news from the Ti Tuo Clan. They were all excited. Sorcerer Ancestors were at the apex of all cultivation in their eyes; the ultimate lives in the world. If they couldn’t defeat the Heavenly Dao, wouldn’t everything be destroyed?

“As long as the Sorcerer Ancestor takes action, the Heavenly Dao will be suppressed in no time,” said one of them, confident in the ancestor’s power.

“That’s right. All that we need to do is offer a helping hand.”

Aside from the human clan, the other species also became excited when they learned this.

Some of them had lived there for hundreds of millions of years, even producing ten generations of dominators. As for the ordinary beings, there had been too many generations to count. They already considered that place as their hometown. All kinds of discussions arose upon learning about the war against the Heavenly Dao.

“Heavenly Dao? What is that?”

“The Sorcerer Ancestor is protecting us. Do we really need to do anything?”

“That’s right. Wouldn’t we be causing trouble for the Sorcerer Ancestor if we attacked?”

“I for one will cheer for the Sorcerer Ancestor!”

“The beings of the Heavenly Dao… They seem to be the enemies that our distant ancestors mentioned. According to our records, the original universe we lived in was destroyed by the Heavenly Dao and we had to escape. We were lucky that Sorcerer Ancestor Ti Tuo took us in.”

“They were our ancestors’ enemies? That makes them my enemies, too!”

“All the warriors will march to war under the Sorcerer Ancestor’s command to avenge our ancestors, save for the Priest and the Six Generals!”

“The Priest has also been summoned. The Sorcerer Ancestor has ordered everybody in the clan to participate, except for babies and weaklings. There will be a war ten thousand years from now, and all species will to the death!”


The news quickly spread. The species that had just arrived were excited, never expecting that war would start so soon.

The species that had been sheltered much earlier had already forgotten the hatred. They had been living in peace, and considered that place as their home. They panicked at the mention of a total war, and sent their objections to the Ti Tuo Clan, but they were promptly scolded.

Even though there were obedient and resistant species, drilling practices soon began under the command of Sorcerer Ancestor Ti Tuo.

The species were all reorganized. Those who had disputes over territory were asked to cooperate.

The Mother of Chaos controlled everything in the name of Sorcerer Ancestor Ti Tuo. She taught everyone the Chaos Array of Thousand Souls. It was the most miraculous array that could accommodate an infinite number of beings. That also meant that its potential was unlimited.

All the species were the fireflies providing power for the Chaos Array.

Time flew.

A thousand years later—practicing the use of the grand array had already become a habit that all species were accustomed to.

The array gradually took shape thanks to their continuous practice.

Another two thousand years passed.

In the void beyond Sorcerer Ancestor Ti Tuo’s continent—a scorching aura was sweeping over. A brilliant crescent moon appeared in the darkness. The crescent moon grew in size and became full. It was a planet billions times bigger than the sun; it was red and bright, emitting a heat capable of melting everything.

That scorching, behemoth of a fireball arrived at the Ti Tuo continent. It didn’t lose to the massive terrain in size.

Two figures dashed out from the continent and reached a place in the void.

On the burning planet—there was the soft shriek of a phoenix. Then, the flamed ancestor of all birds appeared out of nowhere.

“Golden Crow, I didn’t expect you to be the first to arrive,” said Ti Tuo indifferently.

It was presenting his original appearance. A frightening vision that seemed to be made of thousands of ears and eyes. It was creepy.

The Golden Crow had also revealed its appearance. It was a golden bird filled with scorching flames. The feathers making its wings turned out to be arms that had tiny and scary mouths spouting flames.

“Mother of Chaos.”

The Golden Crow ignored Ti Tuo, simply focusing on the petite girl, who seemed to be alone in the world.

Although short and small, she seemed to be the center of the universe; everybody could see her clearly, even if she was thousands of kilometers away. It was very strange.

“You’ve been recuperating since the last war. How’s your recovery?” asked the Mother of Chaos in a soft voice, gentleness conveyed by her eyes. The Golden Crow ancestor had been living in seclusion and resting for a really long time just for the fourth war!

It was also the first to arrive in answer to her summons.

After raising three hosts in a row, she had also been influenced by feelings that were unique to ordinary beings.

“I’ve regained 90% of my power. I’m not fully healed yet, but I can fight!” said the bird ancestor coldly. Its voice was the opposite of the heat it released. It was chilling.

“Thank you for your trouble,” said the girl with a sigh.

Dazed, the Golden Crow ancestor stared at her and said, “You’ve changed. It seems that the Heavenly Dao had a huge influence on you in the last war. Your feelings are more intense than before.”

“Emotion is nourishment for the Heavenly Dao; although heartless, they feed on them. It would be for the best if you could heal soon, or it’ll be a weakness in the upcoming war!”

“I’ve warned her, but I couldn’t make her change her mind,” said Ti Tuo, shaking his head.

The Mother of Chaos smiled. “I’ve learned how to use emotions as a strength, just like the Heavenly Dao does. A counterattack with their own methods is a good strategy. Don’t worry. If anything goes wrong in the war, I’ll take my leave immediately.”

The Golden Crow ancestor stared at her and then nodded.

He suddenly turned and looked at a certain place in the depths of space.

Ti Tuo was acting casual. Half the eyes on his body looked in a particular direction. He was the one with the keenest senses among the twelve Sorcerer Ancestors; that was the reason why the Mother of Chaos had decided that place as a gathering point. Ti Tuo was able to avoid the Heavenly Dao without being exposed. That was also the reason he was able to survive in the previous wars.

All of a sudden, an amazing view was displayed in the void. The usually transparent void suddenly began to fold and spread like ripples. The next moment, a black light flashed before the ones gathered.

It was like teleportation.

However, there was no such thing as teleportation or deep spaces in the world of chaos. The so-called teleportation in other worlds was akin to a slow turtle movement in the world of chaos.

There was only one species that boasted such an unbelievable speed in the world of chaos, one that could almost compete with teleportation.

“Sorcerer Ancestor Yin Que, you were slower than the Golden Crow this time,” said Ti Tuo casually.

An enormous bird made an appearance, with a purely dark body. Anyone who looked at it would only see a massive black shape. Only its four eyes were extremely bright. Each eyeball was the size of a planet, brilliant and sharp. It seemed that they wouldn’t only consume rays but also thoughts.

There was a sensation of falling into an abyss when gazing at the creature. Wills and souls would be dragged and consumed.

Staring at that being was not possible!

“I came from the edge of chaos. He was closer; is it surprising that he came here faster than me?” said Sorcerer Ancestor Yin Que with a pleasant, yet chilling voice that would make people feel instinctively frightened.

“I heard that you’ve been stopping the Heavenly Dao from attacking the Ancestral Land of Chaos, and you’ve been hunted because of this.” The Golden Crow ancestor looked at the new arrival with troubled feelings.

“The Mother of Chaos wouldn’t have had the time to raise the fourth kid if I hadn’t done that. Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao couldn’t catch up to me; they tried to ambush me several times, but they were too slow…” said Yin Que casually.

It was the fastest amongst the twelve Sorcerer Ancestors. In terms of speed, Sorcerer Ancestor Kun Peng, ranked second, was far inferior!

“Thank you very much,” said the Mother of Chaos softly.

Slightly dazed, Yin Que looked at her. “What’s up with that?”

She answered with silence and a smile.

“I was the last to arrive, huh?” said a hoarse voice. A fuzzy figure slowly moved closer from a place in chaos. It looked like countless shadows flickering, with an oval-shaped body made of countless worms. It was indescribably terrifying.

“I’m surprised that you were willing to show up,” said Yin Que casually.

“Since this is going to be the last time, it would be better for me to see the outcome. I won’t take part in this again if you fail; I will sleep forever with my Dao of Death and wait for chaos to restart,” said the hoarse voice.

“Ha, is it any different from death?” asked the Golden Crow ancestor casually.

Ti Tuo glanced at the latter and said, “Golden Crow, you were struck by the Heavenly Dao and affected by their power. Looks like you haven’t fully fixed it.”

“That’s why I said that I’m only 90% recovered,” said the Golden Crow ancestor coldly.

The Mother of Chaos smiled and said to the speaker with a hoarse voice, “Shi Mang, please bring a little thing back to life for me.”

“Is it necessary to resurrect those little things?” Sorcerer Ancestor Shi Mang asked back.

Although it was in control of the Dao of Death and could resurrect all living creatures, it rarely did so. That creature thought that those lives weren’t worthy enough to be resurrected; and the resurrection process would only be a waste of energy.

“It’s very important to a certain someone,” said the girl with a smile.

“Will it influence the war?” asked Shi Mang.

“More or less,” she said.

“In that case, I will find it,” said the somber ancestor.

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