37 Chapter 0037

I was currently sitting on a huge root of a tree on the outskirts of the dark forest. The demonic monkey\'s around me looked at me and just made weird noises without trying to attack me or get close to me.

Even the guy whose territory I had invaded quietly ran away to a different side instead of fighting.

I sighed.

It had been years, yet I was still like this. Extremely sensitive about my past, and the people related to it. When I finally started caring about somebody else, somebody new, who wasn\'t my family but a total stranger, I ended up losing them.

But one thing made me not want to dwell on it, and those were the notifications that I got after killing the Grivantula. I didn\'t see them back then, but I was currently staring at them.

[You have failed the quest \'Prophecy (1)\'.]

[Quest completion condition:

1) Save the Rewan village chief\'s daughter from Grivantula - FAILED.

2) Kill and eat the flesh of Grivantula - COMPLETED.]

[As compensation for completing more than half of the quest, a re-evaluation is being made.]

[Jezebeth deemed you worthy of trust and someone who could bring peace to Abyss.]

[In her last moments, Jezebeth worried for you and the villagers.]

[The quest completion condition \'Save the Rewan village chief\'s daughter from the Grivantula\' has been updated to \'Save the Rewan village from the Grivantula\'.]

[You have met all the quest clear conditions.]

[You have completed the quest \'Prophecy (1)\'.]

[Quest completion reward: \'Prophecy (2)\' has been unlocked.]

[Prophecy (2) (Chain quest)

Difficulty - SS

By the strings of fate, you have been thrown into the Abyss. The Abyss hasn\'t had any visitors in a thousand years. You have become the candidate of a \'prophecy\'.

A thousand years ago, The lesser key of Solomon, the grimoire Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis had prophesied something in this Abyss.

As a foreigner in Abyss, you would be taken as an unwelcome guest by many. Prove yourself to the people of Abyss that you are capable of becoming a \'Candidate\'.

Quest completion condition:

1) Take over the rule of a part of Abyss.

2) Be crowned as the \'Ruler\' of a part of Abyss by the will of at least 100,000 residents of Abyss.

Quest Failure:

1) -5 levels.

Quest completion reward:

1) Ruler\'s Crown

2) Unlock the special stat - Conundrum]

[You can now come and go to Abyss using a save scroll.]

[You are the first player to overcome the concept of \'Cooldown\'.]

[Achievement unlocked: I make the rules]

[Achievement reward: Rulebreaker (Title)]

Not only these but there were also various notifications saying many people have taken interest in me. But I couldn\'t be as happy about any of those as about the notifications that talked about Jeze.

Instead of failing the quest, I passed it due to her intervention, knowingly or unknowingly. And that soothed a part of me. Although I felt guilty, I felt like Jeze would be extremely unhappy if I continued being this way.

The best I could do was to learn from this and learn to cherish people and relationships that were actually good for me, instead of remembering the people and relations that have only hurt me and not moving forward in my life.

~ "You seem like a person to be sour about something for a lifetime. Stop thinking so much about the bad things and focus on the good ones. Like me hehe." ~

~ "You should genuinely smile more often and stop making a fool out of yourself. Who do you think you\'re fooling with that? People? They don\'t care. The only one that you are feeling is yourself here." ~

I kept remembering her words again and again. Truly, sometimes some people would come for a short time in your life, and you wouldn\'t even know their value until they are gone, giving you a lifetime of memories and regrets.

I just wished I was more open about my feelings and thoughts with her. But I could only take a lesson from this and remember to be more open about my feelings to anyone who is being kind enough to tolerate me.

I looked at the notifications from before that, back when I had changed my race.

[Your race is an independently evolvable race, you can name it yourself.]

[You are the first and last player to have an independent race without a former origin.]

[You have been rewarded with a \'Legendary Chest\'.]

[A hidden piece of \'Dulwak\'s Heir\' has been unlocked.]

[You are the first legend that had changed races after becoming a legend.]

[You are no longer a human.]

[Your body reflexes have improved by leaps and bounds.]

[You have caught the attention of the Generals of Abyss.]

[Your activities are being taken with entertainment, neutrality and hostility from various generals of Abyss.]

I didn\'t care about the part of the generals, emperors or gods right now. I was more interested in the \'Legendary Chest\' and what this hidden piece of \'Dulwak\'s Heir\' was.

I first brought up the legendary chest, and it actually looked legendary. It had pointed dragon carvings and was made out of some gold metal. Its overall design excluded elegance and there was this mysterious vibe about it.

\'Okay, here we go.\'

I looked for the option to open it and received a notification.

[You need at least a special grade key to unlock the \'Legendary Box\'.]

[The content of the chest will differ according to the quality, grade and material of the key.]



I didn\'t even feel like cursing and just clicked my tongue.

"Fucking fraud!"

I ended up cursing anyway.

Feeling disappointed, I put back the chest inside my inventory in hopes of getting a special or legendary key, sooner or later. Deep down, I was already thinking of trying to grind my alchemy skills and keep making keys, in hopes of getting a special or legendary key out of it.

I then brought up the information regarding the hidden piece.

[You have encountered a special event related to your class, \'Dulwak\'s Heir\'.]

[Dulwak was a human legend, you have already strayed from his path by changing your race.]

[The world has lost a significant legend.]

[You are no longer following Dulwak\'s steps and have started walking a path of your own.]

[Dulwak is very pleased with your choice, a new piece has been unlocked.]

[You can now collect memory fragments by defeating some of your foes who are far greater in strength than you, or going through a big event. Luck plays a major part in the acquisition of a memory fragment.]

[For the next higher-level opponent that you defeat, a Memory Fragment is guaranteed.]

[These memory fragments are non-transferable, indestructible and untouchable. These can only be used by you, Dulwak\'s Heir.]


\'Sorry bro Dulwak, if I had lowkey disappointed you.\'

But he seems happy about it, so who cares.

I remember I did get a Memory Fragment after killing the Grivantula.

[Memory Fragment

Type - Unknown

Grade - Unclassified

After use, you will experience some stored memories. It is uncertain what kind of memories they are. It is advised to use them out of battle.]

If this isn\'t suspicious, I don\'t know what is. An item or I don\'t know what to call it, is completely unclassified without any explanation or rating, who would use such a thing?


\'Let\'s use it!\'

I used the item and soon, my vision got blurry. My head didn\'t hurt, but it felt like I had lost command of my whole body. I could think of things like I was thinking right at this moment. But I couldn\'t control anything, even my own vision.

"Are you ready to attend the Leisberg Academy? It\'s been your dream ever since you were a kid."

I heard a gentle and motherly voice, and my eyes slowly gained vision. Without even thinking anything, my mouth opened and I started saying.

"Good morning, mother. As the son of the Aydemir family of Dukes, I\'ll be sure to keep up to my ancestors\' names and make a name for myself in the Academy."

\'What am I talking about, who is this lady? Where am I?\'

I couldn\'t understand what was going on. Everything felt as real as it could, yet when I wanted to pinch myself to see if it was real, I couldn\'t even command my own body.

My mind was too much of a confusing mess to even think of the possibility of me doing sightseeing in someone else\'s memory.

The room I was in was lavish, to say the least. The decorations were like that of the olden king\'s bedrooms, with gold and silver as the theme. I wore a navy blue velvet made dress, with a golden pattern decorating the sleeves and chest pocket.

My body looked slimmer, the monster skin nowhere to be seen. My head raised and I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

A young boy, around the age of 16-17 was looking in the mirror with clear eyes. He had all the facial features to be called a \'pretty\' boy in the current world, but his clear eyes looked extremely resolute as he tucked his sleeve buttons.


"I\'ll become a legend for sure and unite all the humans!"

I couldn\'t believe what that pretty boy in the mirror had just said. He was talking about something many bigshots in history failed to do, yet his eyes looked so honest and passionate that one would simply want to believe in him.

\'That\'s definitely not me.\'

I said to myself. Yet, I couldn\'t convince myself, because everything felt too real, I could feel all the emotions this guy was feeling, the love and passion to unite all humans and become a legend.

\'What is even going on?\'


I almost choked on my breath as I got out of my reverie. My forehead was soaked in sweat and I took uneasy heavy breaths to calm my pounding heart.

I brought up my hands and felt them, the same grey-coloured, thick-skinned, with scales on the forearm. I slightly moved my fingers and they moved according to my will.

For a moment there, I had completely lost track of myself to the point I was starting to imagine myself as that pretty boy.

"So, that was Dulwak?"

I asked an obvious question to myself. That was obviously Dulwak in his early days.

\'And that guy always aimed at being a legend….\'

I couldn\'t believe a legend would \'aim\' at becoming a legend and then end up becoming a legend. Aren\'t legends people that work up their asses to make a name in history and in the end are automatically recognised as legends, without them actually wanting to be a legend from the get-go.

[You have learned a bit about Dulwak\'s past.]

[Affinity with Dulwak increased by +1.]



Why am I getting affinity with a dead person?

Wait, when was it said that Dulwak is dead?

\'I have overlooked some big things.\'

I kept pondering, completely unaware about the waves that I had caused in the world, or the fact that the game\'s bitchy system has spilled water on my plans to stay hidden.



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